Sunday, January 9, 2011

One key ingredient in the recipe for peace

I've started this blog with the hope that people who follow it will share their stories of how the Lord's Prayer, the Golden Rule, or the Beatitudes had some significant impact on their life. Maybe there was a time when you prayed the Lord's Prayer and it resulted in some "coincidence" that can only be explained by attributing it to divine intervention. Or maybe you or someone you know used the dictate of the Golden Rule to positively influence a situation in your life or that of another. How about the Beatitudes?Maybe you took heed to one of these eight blessed virtues that Jesus taught us in his Sermon on the Mount and used it to make a difference in the world around you.

By providing a forum to create these postings, it is my fervent desire that the people who read them will gain some inspiration for their own life. Not only that, hopefully a ripple effect will be created whereby many people around the world will both contribute to and learn from this blog. By doing so, it is my prayer that the sharing of these powerful stories will have the added benefit of bringing the world community together around the notion that prayer with purpose is powerful; and purposeful prayer is one sure ingredient in the recipe for peace on the planet.

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